
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hard drive FAIL...

No, this hard drive hasn't died... yet. But I'm notorious for killing hard drives - I've had a number die on me, internal, external, laptop, ect. I once had one die while I was copying it to another drive to back up. I once gave a dead hard drive to a friend to recover along with an external drive to copy the data to, and turned on the external drive when I got it back only to find it dead.

We use USB hard drives at work for imaging machines (for the non-techies, imaging makes an exact copy of the hard drive, so you can set up a machine the way you want with all the apps and stuff and then use that image to set up other machines). They tend to die on me after a year or so, so the last drive I got I jokingly named F4IL. It died a couple weeks ago, so it's replacement is Fail 2.0.

And this isn't an indictment of Iomega drives - they've been pretty solid. It's just that they take a lot of abuse - our student workers borrow them, they get dropped, kicked, hot-unplugged, ect.


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